Meet Chef Aaron, Founder of Garnish Kitchen

The key to making a perfect french omelette is speed. A traditional french omelette only requires a few seconds of cooking, so keep your stove on high heat. This helps keep the outside stay light and fluffy with no browning. You may want to add a little gruyere cheese too but generally, you add any extra ingredients on top at the end. The inside should be a little runny when you plate it. Don't worry, if you're thinking 'I'm not a fan of runny eggs,' the omelette will continue to cook on the plate for a minute. And that's it–voila, enjoy! 

This is one of many things Chef Aaron will teach you when you take one of his cooking classes. He is the Founder and Executive Chef of Garnish Kitchen. You may have seen or enjoyed their french crepes at Bastille on Bishop this summer. He has taught culinary for nearly a decade, educating both students in 20-month professional career programs, as well as weekend students that just want to have fun and experience professional cooking. Regardless of skill level, Chef Aaron loves seeing people empowered through cooking. For him, cooking is much more than just preparing food. It's a way to make memories that are intimately connected to our senses. It's a medium for connecting with friends and family. And, believe it or not, it doesn't require a professional kitchen. "We tell stories with food. I want to help people use the resources they have in front of them and do more with them–and enjoy the process," he says.

Among the items provided in his cooking classes–such as aprons, pots, and pans–you will not find a recipe. That's because chef Aaron doesn't want to teach you to repeat someone else’s interpretation of what a certain dish should look and feel like.

Instead, he will show you techniques that can applied to all types of cooking. "In our kitchen, I want people to feel liberated to actually do some real cooking, rather than following someone else's script," he said. "I encourage students to pay more attention to the product that they’re working with and the technique application, rather than what’s written on some notecard."

This is, as he says, where you begin to feel the organic process.

Chef Aaron and his wife moved to Dallas from South Austin and fell in love with Oak Cliff's pace of life and strong sense of community. They especially love the historic nature of the 100-year old building.

At one time, their space was home to Tienda Chori's SuperMecardo. Chef Aaron and his wife are eager to breathe some new life into the space. "We have neighbors who stop by and tell us that they came here as kids and are so excited to see something happening here once again."

Garnish Kitchen has a wonderful, interactive menu that is constantly evolving. The space itself is communal and designed to bring people from Oak Cliff together.

In a similar way, Garnish Kitchen classes are a place to meet your neighbors and have fun learning something new in the process. It's also a place to spend quality time with your closest friends.

Chef Aaron sees new friendships form all of the time in his kitchen. "People come in to take a class and often meet someone new from around the neighborhood. After a few hours of cooking together, they sit down like old friends at the end of class, laughing and enjoying each other's company."

'Come play with food.' That's their unofficial motto.

We think it sums up the experience well.

Doug Klembara

Doug Klembara is a photographer + filmmaker + creative consultant available work worldwide. Whether capturing moments in the studio, venturing through new countries, or building relationships with other creatives, Doug passionately creates. 

He strives to find and then share the beauty he sees in the world, and is constantly learning new concepts and techniques.

Re-Wilding Home


Craig Schenkel and the Oak Cliff Super Bowl